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Another Successful Year at the 2017 HMSNEO Tulsa Figure Show!

Writer's picture: Lyn StahlLyn Stahl

This year again, I made the trip to the HMSNEO Tulsa Figure Show and this time I brought Alexia with me. I love this show because the guys from the HMSNEO are a super cool group of people. My fellow members of the North Texas Figure Club also attend. The show is not one of those large attendance shows, but there is always great stuff and it is a very easy going event. Alexia did not know what to expect since she has never been to a mainly historical figure focused show.

Once Alexia and I arrived at the hotel in Tulsa, I immediately set out some painting stuff with Brandon's Space Wolf Murderfang dreadnought to doodle on. I don't usually tend to bring commission work with me to traveling conventions in order to keep the commission pieces safe. Not that anything usually happens at the traveling conventions and shows that I go to or anything. I am just one of those paranoid people about stuff like that and I feel that I have screwy Murphy's Law kind of luck. However, I can't travel without my paint stuff, I feel naked without it. So I always bring *something* to paint or experiment a technique on.

The obligatory loot photo!

Ah yes, what is a blog about a show without the obligatory loot photo? I am excited about these goodies that I have. On the left, you see wooden plinths that are made by Steve Scott of "Creative Foundations". Steve uses many different kinds of woods and also does custom orders. The woods that he uses are beautiful! I have more of his stuff featured on the YouTube video. If you would like to inquire more about his plinths that he makes, you can email him at . At the top, is an 80mm figure of Stacy Champion from Milosh Approved Miniatures. There is an unboxing article in the works for her, so be on the lookout for that this week as well. The remaining items, are from Scale 75 . There is the Soilworks rough texture paste, Soilworks pigment powder set, and the Fantasy & Games "Creatures from Hell" paint set. Don't worry, I will be sure to show you more about those items with product demos, and such! I am really excited about using those.

If you dont bring a lot of money to spend, there is always the raffles going on with many cool prizes. There were quite a few people that won all kinds of awesome models and products including airbrushes. To top it off, the money from the raffles all goes towards keeping these events going. The silent auctions of painted figures are also to raise money for the events.

One other thing that I love about the Tulsa Show, is their painting competition. I find that it is a good event for a "warm up" before a more serious competition such as World Expo and/or GenCon. It is an open format competition which means that you win a medal or certificate based on the level of work that you achieve for the category criteria. This means that each contestant will go home with something and that the objective is to try and do better than you did the year before, and to stay encouraged. The competition has a $20 entry fee which is used to pay for the awards and such. Since this is a smaller show, there are five categories to keep it simple. Admittedly, I always forget that since I am so used to doing shows and conventions with so many more categories. Once the awards are given for the categories, then the sponsored awards are given such as the theme award, Best World War I, etc. The categories are as follows:

I made Alexia enter in her chibi pirate and she won a bronze medal! yay! In the end, she also enjoyed the show and liked the people. She liked seeing the historical figures and the differences in how they are painted compared to fantasy and sci-fi figures. I made some improvements on Groot after I asked for some critique from Jen Haley and Rhonda Bender at CMON Expo, and entered him in, along with a few other pieces just for funzies. Groot was a fan art sculpt that was sculpted by Yarin Tishler of Yarin Tishler ART . Groot won a silver medal at Tulsa. So now Groot currently has a 3rd place in large category from CMON Expo's Road to Crystal Brush and a silver medal. I say not bad, and now to bust my ass to get ready for World Expo while knocking out commissions!

Stay Crispy in Milk!

Keep on Painting!


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