We have been playing a lot of catch up and finally had a second to share some fun news with you!
We are now streaming 4 days a week (except on holidays, unless otherwise noted).
Monday, Wednesday, Fridays- 5:15AM- 6:30AM ish CST- Metal Mornings #MetalMornings: In these streams we play music while painting or working on whatever is on the work counter. This show is "off the cuff" and we talk about everything from soup to nuts, including painting =p .
Tuesdays- 6PM- 8PM CST- Twitch Tuesdays #TwitchTuesdays: - Sometimes, we have something scheduled for the show, sometimes we just "fly by the seat of our pants!" You never know unless you watch. Typically, we do special mail calls and unboxings for this stream. Also on the last Tuesday of every month, there is a giveaway for followers and a giveaway for subscribers!
Follower/ loyalty benefits:
- Special discounts and prizes from our sponsors.
- The channel has currency that can be spent toward our end of month giveaways, to buy extra "raffle tickets" for extra chances to win! Currency can be earned by: watching, following, raiding, hosting, and subscribing.
- Chances to win prizes when we do pop up giveaways.
- Extra opportunities to learn outside of classes and one on one lessons.
Be sure to follow us on social media! You never know when we might do a pop up stream or join in on a multi stream! The top of this webpage has icons that take you to all of our social media links!
Hope to see you on our next stream!